Birds in the Shade(荫中鸟, Yin Zhong Niao, Dizi, 笛子)

Birds in the Shade (荫中鸟, Yin Zhong Niao, Dizi, 笛子) was composed by Liu Guanyue (刘管乐)  in 1950’s. Liu was a professional folk musician who had earned a meagre living playing the  suona and dizi in rural ritual ensembles before becoming a soloist in the Tianjin Song-and-Dance Ensemble (Tianjin gewutuan) in 1952.

荫中鸟》这首笛子独奏曲是笛子演奏家刘管乐创作的。乐曲旋律欢快活泼,描绘茂林成荫,百鸟齐鸣的一派生机勃勃的景象。这首乐曲是以三部曲式的结构创作的,乐曲在充满活力的引子之后,呈现出欢快活泼的主题,曲中运用顿音滑音和颤音的演奏技巧,在旋律中揉合了鸟鸣声 ,而这种鸟语化的旋律,独具匠心。

Length: 3’07”.

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Birds in the Shade(荫中鸟, Yin Zhong Niao, Dizi, 笛子) MP3 download link (right click, save link as):Birds in the Shade(荫中鸟, Yin Zhong niao, Dizi, 笛子)

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