Songs of Fishing Boats at Dusk (渔舟唱晚,Yu Zhou Chang Wan, Guzheng, 古筝曲)

Songs of Fishing Boats at Dusk (渔舟唱晚,Yu Zhou Chang Wan, Guzheng, 古筝曲), a Guzheng (古筝) Solo, was composed by Lou Shu Hua (娄树华) in mid 1930s.

Songs of Fishing Boats at Dusk (渔舟唱晚,Yu Zhou Chang Wan, Guzheng, 古筝曲) depicts  the setting sun shining on the lake, and the enjoyable life of fishermen in He Nan region.

Length: 4’17”

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Download Songs of Fishing Boats at Dusk (渔舟唱晚,Yu Zhou Chang Wan, Guzheng, 古筝曲)

Songs of Fishing Boats at Dusk (渔舟唱晚,Yu Zhou Chang Wan, Guzheng, 古筝曲) MP3 download link (right click, save link as):Songs of Fishing Boats at Dusk (渔舟唱晚,Yu Zhou Chang Wan, Guzheng, 古筝曲) MP3

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