Beside the Butterfly Spring(蝴蝶泉边,Hu Die Quan Bian,Folk song,民歌)

Beside the Butterfly Spring(蝴蝶泉边,Hu Die Quan Bian,Folk song,民歌)  was  the  theme song of “The Five Golden Flowers”,  a romantic comedy produced in 1959.  The movie taught the love story of a pair of  Bai  Nationality youngsters  that took place at the Butterflies Spring in Dali, Yunnan Province. It was composed by Lei Zhenbang (雷振邦) and lyricisted by Ji Kang(季康)

For the Hulusi(葫芦丝) version of Beside the Butterfly Spring(蝴蝶泉边,Hu Die Quan Bian), you can enjoy it here:  Beside the Butterfly Spring(蝴蝶泉边,Hu Die Quan Bian,Hulusi,葫芦丝)

Length : 5’02”

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Download MP3 for Beside the Butterfly Spring(蝴蝶泉边,Hu Die Quan Bian,Folk song,民歌)

Beside the Butterfly Spring(蝴蝶泉边,Hu Die Quan Bian,Folk song,民歌) MP3 download link (right click, save link as):Beside the Butterfly Spring(蝴蝶泉边,Hu Die Quan Bian,Folk song,民歌)MP3

《蝴蝶泉边》是长春电影制片厂1959年出品的爱情喜剧故事片《五朵金花》中的插曲。电影讲述了一对在云南大理蝴蝶泉边对歌定情的白族青年的爱情故事。 对歌这种当地特有的白族青年男女定情方式对于当时的汉族观众还是相当陌生的。而随着影片的放映,这首《蝴蝶泉边》得到了人们的广泛喜爱。著名满族作曲家雷 振邦(1916-1997)采用两首不同风格的白族民歌加工而成丰富独特的旋律。词作者是电影《五朵金花》的编剧季康。

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