Eave Bells in the Wind(风雨铁马, Feng Yu Tie Ma, Sanxian, 三弦)

Eave Bells in the Wind(风雨铁马, Feng Yu Tie Ma, Sanxian, 三弦) was composed and played by Bai Fengyan(白凤岩) who is famous sanxian musicians in 1950’s. “Iron Horse” is under the direction of China’s ancient architecture houses a small hanging bell, small bell.

Length : 3’55”

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Download MP3 for Eave Bells in the Wind(风雨铁马, Feng Yu Tie Ma, Sanxian, 三弦)

Eave Bells in the Wind(风雨铁马, Feng Yu Tie Ma, Sanxian, 三弦) MP3 download link (right click, save link as):Eave Bells in the Wind(风雨铁马, Feng Yu Tie Ma, Sanxian, 三弦)MP3

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