In that place wholly farway(在那遥远的地方,Zai Na Yao Yuan De Di Fang,Folk song,民歌)

In that place wholly farway(在那遥远的地方,Zai Na Yao Yuan De Di Fang,Folk song,民歌 ) was  the first line and title of the popular Chinese song that Wang Luobin, the song writer and ethnic music researcher, wrote in 1938, inspired by a Kazakh folk song that he had collected in the area now called Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. His lyrics continue to describe about a pretty young girl who lives there to be like a sunshine, making everyone around her happy.

For the Morin khuur(马头琴) version of In that place wholly farway(在那遥远的地方,Zai Na Yao Yuan De Di Fang), you can enjoy it here: In that place wholly farway(在那遥远的地方,Zai Na Yao Yuan De Di Fang,Morin khuur,马头琴 )

Length : 4’08”

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Download MP3 for In that place wholly farway(在那遥远的地方,Zai Na Yao Yuan De Di Fang,Folk song,民歌 )

A Love Song of In that place wholly farway(在那遥远的地方,Zai Na Yao Yuan De Di Fang,Folk song,民歌 )MP3 download link (right click, save link as):In that place wholly farway(在那遥远的地方,Zai Na Yao Yuan De Di Fang,Folk song,民歌 )MP3

这首《在那遥远的地方》和《半个月亮爬上来》被选录入《20世纪华人音乐经典著作》。《在那遥远的地方》这首歌,还被美国著名黑人歌唱家Paul Robeson(《老人河》等歌曲的演唱者)、西班牙著名男高音歌唱家Jose

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