The Drunkard (酒狂, Jiu Kuang, Guqin, 古琴)

The Drunkard (酒狂, Jiu Kuang, Guqin, 古琴) was composed by Ruan Ji (阮籍) who was a famous writer and musician during the Three Kingdoms Period 220 – 280.
《酒狂》的作者阮籍是中国三国时代(公元220──公元280)著名的文学家和音乐家 。《酒狂》这首乐曲采用了八分之三拍这个特定的节拍,音乐形象非常鲜明,比较准 确的表现了一种醉意恍惚的神态和蹒跚行进,步履踉跄的醉酒者的形象。

Length: 1’42”

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