Memory An Old Friend (忆故人, Yi Gu Ren, 古琴)

Memory An Old Friend (忆故人, Yi Gu Ren, 古琴) is fairly a recent composition during the early part of the last century. However, the theme  it conveys is an ancient one, that of the sadness of missing a friend who was sent away in exile.  The piece from the “Shen Qi  Mi  Pu” 【神竒秘谱】 (1425) collection called “ Shan Zhong  Si You Ren”《山中思友人》 (‘Thinking of a friend in the mountains’) .

For the Xiao( 箫)  version of  Memory An Old Friend (忆故人) you  can enjoy it here: Memory An Old Friend (忆故人, Yi Gu Ren, Xiao, 箫)

Length: 8’42”

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Download MP3 of Memory An Old Friend (忆故人, Yi Gu Ren, 古琴)

Memory An Old Friend (忆故人, Yi Gu Ren, 古琴) MP3 download link (right click, save link as):Memory An Old Friend (忆故人, Yi Gu Ren, 古琴)MP3








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View Comments (2)

    • It should be interpreted as ”when I was in the mountains, I was missing my friend who was in exile”.