The Crescent Moon Rises(半个月亮爬上来,Ban Ge Yue Liang Pa Shang Lai,Folk song,民歌)

The Crescent Moon Rises(半个月亮爬上来,Ban Ge Yue Liang Pa Shang Lai,Folk song,民歌) was from Xin Jiang, China. The lyrics are about a suitor trying to get the attention of a girl from her window. The song was also compsed by Wang Luobin.

For the Xiao(箫) version of The Crescent Moon Rises(半个月亮爬上来,Ban Ge Yue Liang Pa Shang Lai), you can enjoy it here: The Crescent Moon Rises(半个月亮爬上来,Ban Ge Yue Liang Pa Shang Lai,Xiao,箫)

Length : 3’36”

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Download MP3 for The Crescent Moon Rises(半个月亮爬上来,Ban Ge Yue Liang Pa Shang Lai,Folk song,民歌)

The Crescent Moon Rises(半个月亮爬上来,Ban Ge Yue Liang Pa Shang Lai,Folk song,民歌) MP3 download link (right click, save link as):The Crescent Moon Rises(半个月亮爬上来,Ban Ge Yue Liang Pa Shang Lai,Folk song,民歌)MP3


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