Three Variations On the Plum (梅花三弄, Mei Hua San Nong, Guqin, 古琴)

Three Variations On the Plum (梅花三弄, Mei  Hua  San Nong,  Guqin, 古琴)  made  its earliest appearance in the handbook Shen Qi Mi Pu(神奇秘譜)(preface dated 1425).  Also called Mei-Hua-Yin(梅花引)or Yu-Fei-Yin(玉妃引.  It was originally a flute piece composed by Huan Yi(桓伊)who lived during the Eastern Jin dynasty (317-420).  As the story goes,  Huan Yi  played this tune for Wang Huizhi(王徽之), who was the son of the great  calligrapher Wang Xizhi(王羲之)(307-365),  when they happened to meet on the road. During the Tang dynasty (618-907), Yan Shigu(颜師古)rearranged it as a piece for the guqin.

Length: 7’12”

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Three Variations On the Plum  (梅花三弄,  Mei Hua San Nong,  Guqin, 古琴)MP3 download link (right click, save link as):Three Variations On the Plum  (梅花三弄,  Mei Hua San Nong,  Guqin, 古琴) MP3




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