Guangling Melody (广陵散, Guang Ling San, Guqin 古琴)

Guangling Melody (广陵散, Guang Ling San, Guqin 古琴) was a piece of  lyre music originated from the Han Dynasty. The content of “Guangling Melody” came from the lyre melody “Nie Zheng Assassinating King of Han”,  which mainly described a solemn story that Nie Zheng, son of a swordsmith in the Warring States Period, committed suicide after stabbing the king of  Han in order to avenge his father. The main body of this music focuses on the change of  Nie Zheng’s  emotion from hate to indignation, which profoundly portrays his unyielding willpower to avenge regardless of violence.

Length: 22’28”

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Guangling Melody (广陵散, Guang Ling San, Guqin 古琴) MP3 download link (right click, save link as):Guangling Melody (广陵散, Guang Ling San, Guqin 古琴) MP3



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