Huan Le De Xiao Bo Shao He Xiao Bo Mao (欢乐的小卜少和小卜冒, HuLuSi, 葫芦丝)

小卜少是傣族话, 是小姑娘的意思,小卜冒是小伙子的意思.



Length: 4’25”

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Download Huan Le De Xiao Bo Shao He Xiao Bo Mao  (欢乐的小卜少和小卜冒, HuLuSi, 葫芦丝)

Huan Le De Xiao Bo Shao He Xiao Bo Mao  (欢乐的小卜少和小卜冒, HuLuSi, 葫芦丝)  MP3 download link (right click, save link as):Huan Le De Xiao Bo Shao He Xiao Bo Mao  (欢乐的小卜少和小卜冒, HuLuSi, 葫芦丝) MP3

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