Tai Hang Nostalgia(太行乡情, Tai Hang Xiang Qing, Sheng, 笙)

Tai Hang Nostalgia(太行乡情, Tai Hang Xiang Qing, Sheng, 笙) was composed by Cao Wengong(曹文工) and Wang shijun(王世俊), played by Li Guanglu(李光陆). This tune has drawn its materials from folk in Shanxi.


 Length : 7’50”

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Download MP3 for Tai Hang  Nostalgia(太行乡情, Tai Hang Xiang Qing, Sheng, 笙)

Tai Hang  Nostalgia(太行乡情, Tai Hang Xiang Qing, Sheng, 笙) MP3 download link (right click, save link as):Tai Hang  Nostalgia(太行乡情, Tai Hang Xiang Qing, Sheng, 笙)MP3

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