Jackdaws Playing with Water (寒鸦戏水, Han Ya Xi Shui, Guzheng, 古筝曲)

Jackdaws Playing with Water (寒鸦戏水, Han Ya Xi Shui, Guzheng, 古筝曲) is one of the 10 divertimentos in Teochew music. It is also a famous Hakka Zheng tune.


Length: 8’40”

Enjoy Jackdaws Playing with Water (寒鸦戏水, Han Ya Xi Shui, Guzheng, 古筝曲) in your browser now (just click the Play button below).


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Download Jackdaws Playing with Water (寒鸦戏水, Han Ya Xi Shui, Guzheng, 古筝曲)

Jackdaws Playing with Water (寒鸦戏水, Han Ya Xi Shui, Guzheng, 古筝曲) MP3 download link (right click, save link as):Jackdaws Playing with Water (寒鸦戏水, Han Ya Xi Shui, Guzheng, 古筝曲) MP3

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