Why Are the Flowers So Red(花儿为什么这样红, Hua Er Wei Shen Me Zhe Yang Hong,Folk song,民歌)

Why Are the Flowers So Red(花儿为什么这样红, Hua Er Wei Shen Me Zhe Yang Hong,Folk song,民歌)  was originally an interlude in a popular 1960s spy movie “Visitors on the Icy Mountain”. It was based on an old Tajik dance music. In order to allow the music to reveal a sense of time and space, Composer Lei Zhenbang appropriately slowed down the speed of the original music in the process of adaptation. The music after adaptation has a kind of feeling of distant and vast space.

For the Morin khuur(马头琴) version of Why Are the Flowers So Red(花儿为什么这样红, Hua Er Wei Shen Me Zhe Yang Hong), you can enjoy it here: Why Are the Flowers So Red(花儿为什么这样红, Hua Er Wei Shen Me Zhe Yang Hong,Morin khuur,马头琴)

For the Dizi(笛子) version of Why Are the Flowers So Red(花儿为什么这样红, Hua Er Wei Shen Me Zhe Yang Hong), you can enjoy it here: Why Are the Flowers So Red(花儿为什么这样红, Hua Er Wei Shen Me Zhe Yang Hong,Dizi,笛子)

Length : 3’26”

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Download MP3 for Why Are the Flowers So Red(花儿为什么这样红, Hua Er Wei Shen Me Zhe Yang Hong,Folk song,民歌)

Why Are the Flowers So Red(花儿为什么这样红, Hua Er Wei Shen Me Zhe Yang Hong,Folk song,民歌) MP3 download link (right click, save link as):Why Are the Flowers So Red(花儿为什么这样红, Hua Er Wei Shen Me Zhe Yang Hong,Folk song,民歌)MP3

此歌为作曲家雷振邦于1962年为长春电影制片厂当时拍摄的电影《冰山上的来客》创作,主要参考了一首古老的塔吉克族民间歌曲《古力碧塔》。《古力碧 塔》讲述的是一名为商人赶脚的塔吉克青年,爱上了喀布尔城的一位公
主,但遭到了反对,青年只能顺着古丝绸之路流浪,把优美凄凉的歌声传遍了所有他路经的地 方,最后传回到帕米尔高原他的故乡。

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