Jasmine Flower(茉莉花, Mo Li Hua,Folk song,民歌)

Jasmine Flower(茉莉花, Mo Li Hua,Folk song,民歌)  is a popular Chinese folk song. The song dates to 18th century. In time, many regional variations were created, and the song gained popularity both in China and abroad. It has been used during events such as 2004 Summer Olympics, 2008 Summer Olympics and 2010 Shanghai Expo opening ceremony, and controversially during the 2011 Chinese protests.

For the Sheng(笙) version of Jasmine Flower(茉莉花, Mo Li Hua), you can enjoy it here:  Jasmine Flower(茉莉花, Mo Li Hua,Sheng,笙)
For the Pipa(琵琶) version of Jasmine Flower(茉莉花, Mo Li Hua), you can enjoy it here:  Jasmine Flower(茉莉花, Mo Li Hua,Pipa,琵琶)
For the Erhu(二胡) version of Jasmine Flower(茉莉花, Mo Li Hua), you can enjoy it here:  Jasmine Flower(茉莉花, Mo Li Hua,Erhu,二胡)

Length : 3’41”

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Download MP3 for Jasmine Flower(茉莉花, Mo Li Hua,Folk song,民歌)

Jasmine Flower(茉莉花, Mo Li Hua,Folk song,民歌) MP3 download link (right click, save link as):Jasmine Flower(茉莉花, Mo Li Hua,Folk song,民歌)MP3

这原是一首江苏民歌,整理者为何仿(1928-)。1942年冬,当时还是新四军文艺小战士、年仅14岁的何仿到江苏六合八百桥镇金牛山下(今属南京) 采风,被当地的一首歌《鲜花调》优美的曲调所吸引,并在此基础上加工整理出了《茉莉花》。此歌于1957年真正面世,1959年最终定稿。从此传唱大江南 北,甚至远在西方都有根据它改编的各种版本的乐曲。法国著名钢琴家Richard Clayderman、美国著名萨克斯风演奏家Kenny G都曾演奏过此曲的改编版本。

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