A Lover Vow (婚誓, Hun Shi, HuLuSi, 葫芦丝)

“A Lover Vow ” is the movie  theme  song of  “Lu Sheng Lian Ge” . It was composed by Lei Zhenbang (雷振邦) and lyricisted by (Yu Yanfu)于彦夫.  It’s a beautiful love song based on a story of the Yunnan Hill Tribe of Lahu.  It told how the tribe was subjected to exploitation by the feudal Landlord and eventually liberated by the Comrades.

Length: 3’07”

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A Lover Vow  (婚誓, Hun  Shi, HuLuSi, 葫芦丝) MP3 download link (right click, save link as):A Lover Vow  (婚誓, Hun  Shi, HuLuSi, 葫芦丝) MP3


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